#yuinmind - a PSHE Online Course:
#yuinmind is an inspiring, innovative and interactive personal and emotional development eLearning package, designed for 11 - 16 year old young people that are in... or out of full time education.
This course is a fully integrated independent learning resource that needs NO extra input, planning or delivery from you. Just purchase, enrol, access and that's it!
#yuinmind provides a safe and structured place for young people to think, learn, grow, and discover who they are and what they're capable of. This online course can be accessed from school or home PC's, laptop or any mobile device
with Wi-Fi access.
The #yuinmind eLearning course includes:

Personal development content - in written, audio and video format.
Automated, yet specific and personalised feedback.
Built in games, activities, case studies and surveys.
Self-reflection points with question and answer sections.
Supporting activities and worksheets - that can be printed or completed onscreen.
Downloadable top tips at the end of each Unit.
Graded end of unit quiz & personalised certificate of completion.
Scheme of Work, teachers notes & supporting documents.
The course includes 8 units (approx 8 hours) of personal development goodness & covers the following topics:

Watch a walk through demo below:

The average cost for a qualified academic private tutor starts at £30 per hour. Private counselling sessions are between £30 and £70 per hour (depending where you live). There is free support available to young people; but waiting lists can be as long as 6 months in some areas.
The traditional education curriculum model doesn’t provide young people with the mind-set nor personal skills they need to really understand, manage or maintain their own emotional health and well-being.
#yuinmind is an accessible for all, online solution that attempts to "bridge that gap" and provide emotional health education and support to those who'd benefit from such a resource. Click here to request a copy of the brochure or to find out more about this development resource.
If you'd like course access for your school or a large group of students email me at: inspireyueducation@gmail.com to discuss your requirements or to access a FREE 7 day trial.
For parents and carers that want to support the personal, emotional health and well-being of your young people; you can access individual units of #yuinmind for just £10.00 per unit, per person. Or get access to the full 8 unit course for just £60.00 per person...just click here!